Monday, January 18, 2010

Things in Life Just Seem to Slip By

I'm 21 years old. In my 21 years, I've seen a lot. I've seen 48 of 50 states in the US. I've met 2 people who are famous, and both of them were WWE wrestlers. I survived Y2K, 9-11, Bird Flu, and Swine Flu. I graduated from high school and am currently just about to graduate from college.

And now I'm scared.

It's my last semester, and I'm about to graduate with a degree in Communications with an Emphasis in Broadcasting. I'm petrified to become a real human being, and not a kid.

I have way too much work to do.

Now that I'm back in the dorms, updating is going to heckic, rediculous, and exciting. After this post, I'm going to put up my new posters and clean up. Then I need to get books for class. I'm so excited because we get to read Watchmen for Comp. class. It is going to be wonderful.

So let me sign off with this; Life is Crazy, Awesome, and Fun. Don't let it slip.

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